Dear you,
After about 38278343 years of saying that I will make a blog...the day has finally come on July 25th 2013 2PM. I initially wanted to make a blog in high school as a teen, when my only dream was to move to New York and attend Parsons.
NOW, I am no longer a teen but a twenty three year old lady (I'm not a girl, not yet a woman-moment).
I am no longer in high school nor in college but a working lady.
I feel more at home in my 1 bedroom apartment in New York rather than in my parents condo in Los Angeles. Most likely because they moved out of the house I grew up in after I left for college.
I still recall the phone call where I was crying to my dad about moving from a house in La Canada (where I grew up) to a condo in Downtown LA. My tears worked and he took the house off the market ...hehehe. Daddys have such a soft spot for daughters (and tears). **s/o to my daddy: ILOVE YOU DADDY**
However, that did not last. BOOOOOOO* but I told myself
Annie, lets get real. It is inconvenient for your parents to commute every single day to work. Hence, now we (more like they) live in LA. First it was Downtown LA but now in Koreatown, aka KTOWN aka the town of soju and scary people with no eyebrows! JK, kind of.
OKAY, I just got extremely sidetracked and made that story unnecessarily long.
The point is, my blog starts today and I am extremely excited to see where it takes me!
I hope to post inspirational and relatable entries about my daily life...the good//the bad//the fashion//the food, etc
I will end it with my favorite picture taken by my talented photographer friend, Caroline Kan.
PS. My hair was not an ombre. I just had no life and no time during my thesis to go get a root touch up
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